Utilities Project Management Manager - Tampa Bay Water
Clearwater, FL
About the Job
Position Overview
Tampa Bay Water is seeking a skilled and experienced Utilities Project Management Manager to lead and oversee complex utility projects within our service area. This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic individual with a background in project management, utilities infrastructure, and leadership. As the Project Management Manager, you will be responsible for ensuring the successful planning, execution, and completion of various water, wastewater, and utility infrastructure projects that support the continued growth and sustainability of the Tampa Bay region.
## Essential Functions
Lead and manage the project management team to deliver utilities projects on time, within scope, and on budget.
Develop and implement project plans, including defining project scope, goals, and deliverables.
Coordinate resources and ensure project activities comply with safety, regulatory, and quality standards.
Oversee the preparation of cost estimates, budgets, and timelines for utility-related projects.
Serve as the main point of contact for all internal and external stakeholders, including contractors, consultants, regulatory agencies, and the community.
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Tampa Bay Water is seeking a skilled and experienced Utilities Project Management Manager to lead and oversee complex utility projects within our service area. This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic individual with a background in project management, utilities infrastructure, and leadership. As the Project Management Manager, you will be responsible for ensuring the successful planning, execution, and completion of various water, wastewater, and utility infrastructure projects that support the continued growth and sustainability of the Tampa Bay region.
## Essential Functions
Lead and manage the project management team to deliver utilities projects on time, within scope, and on budget.
Develop and implement project plans, including defining project scope, goals, and deliverables.
Coordinate resources and ensure project activities comply with safety, regulatory, and quality standards.
Oversee the preparation of cost estimates, budgets, and timelines for utility-related projects.
Serve as the main point of contact for all internal and external stakeholders, including contractors, consultants, regulatory agencies, and the community.
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Source : Tampa Bay Water