Social Services Assistant - Briar Place Nursing and Rehabilitation
Chicago, IL
About the Job
SSA Job Duties
Inventory all resident’s items, this include admissions, discharges, room changes, and current residents. SSA’s are responsible for documenting inventoried items of inventory sheet and in PCC.
SSA’s are responsible for conducting psychosocial groups and documenting participation in the groups.
SSA’s are responsible for smoke breaks. SSA’s are to monitor, observes, de-escalate, and redirect all behaviors during smoke breaks and report to PRSC’s and PRSD. SSA’s and PRSC’s are responsible for having resident sign and complete the smoking contract.
SSA’s are responsible for conducting room searches for contraband items. SSA’s and PRSC’s are responsible for educating and having resident’s sign facility handbook’s and house rules.
SSA’s are responsible for scheduling dental appointments for residents through Senior Dental and notifying PRSD regarding all behaviors of refusal of care.
SSA’s are responsible for documenting time and date for wander guard checks daily and reporting any changes to PRSD.
SSA’s, PRSC’s, and CNA staff are responsible for room changes and notifying the families.
SSA’s are responsible for token store maintenance. Updating token cards, points, and changes as needed.
Ensure all mail and packages are pass out daily.
Monitoring dining ensuring all trays are passed during meal times.
Communicate all changes in resident condition, functioning, and behavior to PRSD.
Any other job duties as assigned by department managers.