Receptionist - Apidel Technologies
Tewksbury, MA 01876
About the Job
In a team setting, maintain files and records, answertelephones, process incoming mail, prepare and mail out going correspondence orparcels,
prepare correspondence, forms, files and reports forprocessing, storage or forwarding, using Excel and Word programs, answerinquiries, operate standard office equipment and perform related work asrequired.
Greet and assist members visiting the office inaccordance with established procedures.
File material in accordance with a prescribedclassification system.
Answer telephone calls, provide routine informationconcerning agency services and redirects calls as needed in accordance withestablished procedures.
Prepare standardized forms according to establishedprocedures.
Receive, open, date stamp, investigate, assign anddistribute incoming mail, messages, packages, etc. to appropriate individuals.
Scan prepared documents into the Captiva system and indexdocuments by envelope category, document category and document type.
Retrieve and distribute records from files or boxes suchas correspondence, applications, verifications, etc.
Search and recover information from computer terminals inorder to respond to inquiries or requests.
Post information on such items as logs, spreadsheets,records or computer systems according to established procedures.
Operate and provide instruction on the usage of standardoffice equipment such as copy machines, postage machines, fax machines,computers (such as PCs and Printers), telephones, mail openers, TTY equipment.
Review forms, applications, documents, correspondence foraccuracy and completeness.
Provide information concerning such topics as meetings,schedules, appointments, cancellations, etc. to appropriate individuals eitherorally or in writing.
Prepare and submit requisitions to maintain supplystandards in accordance with established procedures.
Compile data for office and/or agency reports.
Provide inter and intra communications via the e-mailsystem.
Operate specialized office equipment that requiresmanufacturer-training prior to use.
Perform computer functions to create documents such asletters, e-mail, spreadsheets and charts, lists and memoranda.
Maintain and update daily activities logs for ongoing orcompleted work assignments in order to control daily assignments and workflow.
Maintain supply inventory, including assisting withordering supplies.
Operate a personal computer for both look up and dataentry purposes.
Aid in the development of production schedules,performance standards, quality controls, methods, procedures and operationsregulations to assist clerical and operational procedures.
Coordinate leave time, breaks, lunches, coverage times,and duty hours to ensure proper coverage.
Ability to work in a team setting with team ownership ofall assigned tasks.
Perform other assigned duties as required.
7. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED AT HIRE (List knowledges,skills, abilities)
Ability to understand and apply the laws, rules, policiesand procedures governing assigned unit activities.
Ability to read, write, and comprehend the Englishlanguage
Ability to use proper grammar, punctuations and spelling.
Ability to follow written and oral instructions.
Ability to work accurately with names, numbers, codesand/or symbols.
Ability to work with a computer comfortably with specificknowledge of Word and Excel programs.
Ability to file material in accordance with standardfiling procedures.
Ability to maintain accurate records.
Ability to communicate effectively in oral expression.
Ability to establish and maintain harmonious workingrelationships with others.
Ability to handle a fast-paced, front-facing environment.
Ability to deal tactfully with others.
Knowledge of clerical office practices and proceduresincluding office record keeping, office correspondence control, the types anduses of office equipment and supplies and business letter preparation.
Skill in operating general office machines and equipmentsuch as photocopiers, telephone systems, postage meters, calculators, pagingdevices, hand collators, perforators, electric staplers, shredders or similarequipment.
Ability to exercise sound judgement.
Ability to lift a minimum of 35 pounds.
8. QUALIFICATIONS ACQUIRED ON JOB (List knowledges,skills, abilities)
Knowledge of the laws, rules, policies and proceduresgoverning assigned unit activities.
Knowledge of the types and uses of agency forms.
Knowledge of the proper telephone procedures for makingand receiving agency calls.
Applicants must have at least (A) three years offull-time,or equivalent part-time, experience in office work, or (B) anyequivalentcombination of the required experience and the substitutions below.
A diploma as evidence of graduation from the commercialor business course of a recognized high school or vocational/technical highschool may be substituted for a maximum of one year of the requiredexperience.*
A diploma as evidence of graduation from a course otherthan the commercial or business course of a recognized high school orvocational/technical high school or possession of a Massachusetts high schoolequivalency certificate may be substituted for a maximum of eight months of therequired experience.*
A diploma for completion of a one-year, full-time, orequivalent part-time, program in a recognized, non-degree granting business orsecretarial school above the high school level may be substituted for a maximumof one year of the required experience.*
A diploma for completion of a two-year, full-time, orequivalent part-time, program in a recognized, non-degree granting business orsecretarial school above the high school level may be substituted for a maximumof two years of the required experience.*
*Education toward such a degreeor diploma will beprorated on the basis of the proportion of the requirementsactually completed.