Maintenance Planner/Scheduler - Apidel Technologies
About the Job
Start Time:8:00 AM
End Time:4:00 PM
Maintenance Planner
The objective of the planningrole is to minimize expenditures and improve equipment availability byidentifying resources such as skills, materials, tools, procedures,specifications, drawings, etc. needed to accomplish the work and communicatingwhen these resources are available so that the work can be scheduled. Followingexecution of the work, certain critical information is recorded for futurereference. Activities include:
1. Receiving Maintenance WorkOrders that have been designated for planning.
2. Reviewing each request foraccuracy of date, cost versus capital work, subtle changes of design, properauthorization, and priority or completion date. Negotiating revision ofunrealistic requests.
3. Flagging work requests thatmust be completed during shutdowns. Compiling these work orders into a shutdownlist
4. Adding additionalinformation to the order to fully define the job scope.
5. Making a field review offacilities and equipment for each order to determine total scope of work toperform.
6. Evaluating the workinvolved with each order to determine whether it should be performed by plantpersonnel and/or supplemental maintenance forces.
7. Participating in theevaluation of equipment problem symptoms such as noise, vibration, temperature,pressure, and leakage to determine probable cause(s) so equipment repairs caneither prevent or eliminate future failures.
8. Calculating an estimatedtotal financial cost and recording it on each request forapproval/authorization purposes.
9. Ensuring that properapproval of work orders and design changes has been obtained.
10. Preparing or obtainingsketches where appropriate.
11. Selecting the mostappropriate approach to accomplish the job.
12. Preparing a detailedestimate of labor skills and hours required.
13. Preparing a detailed listof spare parts, materials, and safety or special equipment (hoists, cranes, manlifts, rigging, scaffolding) to accomplish the job.
14. Providing the necessarydocumentation such as drawings, procedures, and vendors material for the jobpackage.
15. Preparing and issuingstores tickets and/or purchase requisitions to procure the needed materialsagainst the appropriate work order.
16. Organizes material kitsfor individual Work Orders.
17. Maintaining a current andaccurate Maintenance Work Order Backlog.
18. Meeting with MaintenanceLead and Maintenance Coordinator to help update the team on status of the dayswork.
19. Ensuring the availabilityof special tools, procedures, supplies, or equipment needed for the scheduledwork.
20. Recommending spare partsto be stocked for equipment to insure parts availability.
21. Maintaining the integrityof the Job Plan Library.
22. Regularly reviewingplanning & scheduling metrics and, together with the Maintenance Lead andthe Coordinator, reviewing the planning system and making recommendations forimprovement.
23. Initiating Term (Standing,Blanket, etc.) work orders for repetitive and/or routine type work such as logbook work to improve efficiency of the planning system.
24. Insuring that completedwork orders are properly closed out.
25. The person assigned to theplanning role may also have additional responsibilities. However, thoseresponsibilities must be secondary to planning in order to maintain aneffective planning and scheduling system.
Comments/Special Instructions
The typical days of the weekhe will be working is Wednesday and Friday. The start date would be theearliest start date available. Weekly hours will range from 16 24.