IT Business Intelligence Developer - Level 3 - Apidel Technologies
Hartford, CT 06103
About the Job
Shift 1
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
NOTE: This is a remoteposition.
VENDORS: Please read the roledescription carefully, as this position requires a highly-skilled candidate.Any submission that does not match the requirements will not be considered.
This is Us
The State of Connecticut isleading a new digital transformation in government to uplift the lives andwell-being of our residents, businesses, and employees. Our goal is to improveaccess to our programs and services, making interaction with government easier.When you join the Connecticut Digital Service, youll be part of a teamcreating simple experiences personalized for everyone. If you enjoy solvingcomplex problems with a curious, supportive, high-performing team, then theState of Connecticut is the place for you.
Is This You
Big Thinker. You see data as ameans for reaching strategic goals and can use data to impact both the businessand the customer.
Problem Solver. You recognizethe critical role data plays in understanding and solving pain points.
Organically Curious. You seebeyond the obvious to identify and fill-in the missing data and gaps ofunderstanding
Service-Oriented. You arepassionate about government innovation and improving services for your fellowcitizens.
About the Role
The Data Analytics andStrategy Lead will be a key player in establishing a robust, scalable, andaccessible data practice for the State of Connecticut. This role requires aunique combination of technical expertise, strong analytical skills, and ahighly strategic mindset to drive awareness and adoption of data and analytics.This person will maintain and expand on existing data structures includingpipelines, databases, and dashboards, while also helping to build a sustainabledata practice that drives government-wide optimization.
You will guide teams inleveraging data to improve the end-to-end user journey, identify product andservice challenges, and foster a culture where data is integrated into everydayoperations. You will also ensure the integrity, uptime, and accessibility ofdata technology to support the states initiatives.
You must have a deepunderstanding of data modelling, user research, data analysis, visualizations,and the strategic application of data to improve service delivery at everystage of the customer lifecycle. You will need to have a strong background inquantitative/qualitative data management, data research methodologies, dataengineering, data analysis, and executive-level communication skills to besuccessful in this role. There will be a heavy emphasis on Google Analytics,Google Search Console, Power BI, and other behavioral metric systems.
Note: This is a full-stackdata position, which requires a cross-functional skillset in engineering,analysis, and strategy. Do not apply if you do not have proficiency in each ofthese areas.
Key Responsibilities
Data Strategy and Leadership:
Help lead the development andexecution of the states data practice, focusing on clear and actionablestrategies and aligning with organizational goals.
Work closely with stakeholdersto identify critical data needs and design solutions that address them.
Mentor and guide non-technicalteams to build their confidence and capability in using data fordecision-making.
Analysis and Insights:
Collect, compare, and analyzecomplex data sets to identify trends, patterns, and actionable opportunities.
Present findings in clear,visually engaging formats tailored to audiences with varying levels of dataliteracy.
Create detailed reports,dashboards, and presentations that drive organizational improvements andadoption of insights.
Technical Maintenance andExpansion:
Maintain and optimize existingpipelines, databases, and Power BI dashboards currently in use at the State.
Develop and implementstrategies to scale data systems as needs grow, ensuring performance and dataintegrity.
Oversee ETL processes tointegrate data from new sources and improve workflows.
User Engagement andEnablement:
Design and deliver trainingprograms to help non-technical teams incorporate data and analysis into theirregular workflows.
Collaborate with teams todevelop KPIs and frameworks for measuring the impact of data-driveninitiatives.
Facilitate workshops, officehours, and regular program updates to ensure alignment across teams.
Partner with leadership, ITteams, and other stakeholders to identify priorities and implement solutions.
Act as a liaison betweentechnical teams and business stakeholders, ensuring alignment andunderstanding.
Experience Required for ThisRole
Data Collection & Analysis at least 3 years of measurable experience in the following:
Analyzing user data andmetrics to drive specific business goals
Using data to isolate problemsand develop solutions
Utilizing predictive analysis,gap analysis, quantitative reporting, user research, and statistical analysis
Providing insights andrecommendations based on data
Bridging the data dividebetween technical, product, and customer-facing teams
Developing and applying datamodels to improve the collection and analysis of data
Crafting compellingpresentations and narratives from data findings. Emphasis on Power BIdashboards
Engaging in data experimentsthat provide cross-persona or enterprise-level analysis
Data cleansing, optimizing,and ETL
Developing and analyzing usersurveys
Organizing and storing dataand queries for easy access in future work projects
Documenting data collectionand analysis procedures
Preparing and executing ROIanalysis
Technical Expertise at least3 years of measurable experience in the following:
Managing data pipelines, ETLprocesses, and databases (e.g., SQL, Power BI, Azure Data Lake)
Proficiency in Python or R fordata manipulation and analysis.
Data modeling, datagovernance, and data quality best practices
Administering analyticssoftware and platforms (GA, GTM, SPSS, Excel, Microsoft Office Suite)
Using business intelligencetools like Tableau or Power BI
Data collection from on-premand cloud platforms like Microsoft, Azure, and Salesforce
Leveraging statisticalanalysis and algebra
Leveraging economics,business/systems analysis, and quality assurance
Manipulating large, complexdata sets
Documenting data processes andconfigurations
Strategy, Communications, andGovernance at least 3 years of measurable experience in the following:
Developing a data practicethat incorporates strategy, training, tool development, and support
Communication andcollaboration with cross-functional teams and government partners
Crafting compellingpresentations and narratives from data findings
Explaining data analysis tostakeholders with varying levels of data comprehension
Using data to help internalteams improve capabilities and operations
Training non-technical teamson data analysis and its real-world application
Performing competitor researchto help improve products and services
Researching latest markettrends and implementing knowledge
Organizing focus groups andfeedback loops to establish data collection
Establishing and integratingappropriate KPIs to help track success
Improving research or datamanagement environments
Establishing standardizedtesting of products/services using data
Ability to juggle multipleproject workstreams
Ability to maintain strictconfidentiality
Judgment in dealingeffectively and diplomatically with all levels of government staff
Other Preferred Skills &Qualifications
Deep domain knowledge for aparticular industry especially Health, Business, or Education
Experience with behavioral orCRM-related metrics platforms
Bachelors degree in computerscience, business, IT, management, administration, economics, or informationscience
Experience with machinelearning, AI, and cognitive service engine models
2 years experience with PowerBI or other data visualization platforms
2 years of user research andfeedback analysis
2 years of data governance andworking within data security groups
1 year of API development
1 year of marketingexperience, supported through metrics
1 year of project managementexperience
1 year of experience withcustomer relationship management platforms such as Salesforce
1 year of experience with webcontent management platforms such as Sitecore
Administrative Considerations
The Data Analytics andStrategy Lead will work as part of an enterprise digital service team. You willwork iteratively on multiple data projects using agile sprints. Work will beassigned based on items in the product backlog as well as responsibilities associatedwith holistic digital programs and services. These tasks may be adjusted,reduced, or expanded as the projects progress through various phases. Thecontract employee shall be expected to maintain and provide writtendocumentation on any work performed in conjunction with this engagement.
The engagement will be for aterm of up to 12 months. All work will be performed in eight (8) hour shifts,Monday to Friday, excluding State holidays. If workflow dictates an on-sitepresence is not needed, consultant may work remotely. All extended remote workwill need approval by Chief Digital Officer or the designated manager. Paymentwill be on a time and material basis and paid only for hours worked. StateAgencies are in downtown Hartford and the Greater Hartford area. Local TravelReimbursement is not provided.
Use of State Resources: Thecontractor will be provided with a virtual desktop environment that will allowthe contractor to use their own computer to access and engage with Statesystems.
Security/PrivacyConsiderations: Information accessible by the contractor may be sensitive,confidential or subject to the Privacy Act and/or HIPAA considerations.Contractor personnel must be familiar with and comply with the provisions ofappropriate regulations and/or instructions. Signing of a confidentialityagreement will be required. Daily sign-in to the facility may be required. Thecontractor employee must always display an access badge while present in statefacilities. A background check will be required.