Human Resource Coordinator - American Technology Consulting
Floyd, IN
About the Job
IN-FSSA-DDRS-WIOA Partner Navigators Dist.10 (742540)Vocational Rehab. Office 1452 Vaxter Ave.Clarksville, IN 47129 Candidate must reside in District 10; Counties : Clark,Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Scott or Washington counties.This position will be a hybrid position with capability of working remote.Objectives * Increase the number of individuals with disabilities served across partner programs and leveraging * supports and resources to serve those individuals. * Streamline access to services across partner programs, reducing or eliminating gaps or barriers in accessing needed services, identifying a shared service delivery approach. * Implementing successful practices to support participant navigation through Workforce services including transition from high school into postsecondary training with a clearly defined vocational goal; securing wraparound supports to promote successful completion of postsecondary training for youth and adults, especially with individuals experiencing barriers to successful completion; facilitating access to meaningful work-based learning activities; and coordinating other needed services to support quality employment outcomes.WIOA partner navigators (WPNs) will be embedded in the culture of the designatedWork One center(s) and VR office(s). WPNs will be an embedded resource withknowledge of programming, services, and access points across partner programs.WPNs will be skilled in relationship building to support appropriate linkagesand support mutual delivery of services to shared participants across partnerprograms. To facilitate this approach, WPN’s will be housed at both partnersites, embedded in the culture of partner agencies, regularly attend staffmeetings, and obtain and retain knowledge of partner program services. Theirprimary role is to connect individuals with disabilities to appropriate partnerprograms, promote a streamlined cross referral process, improve service andprogram access for individuals with disabilities, and guide braided servicedelivery across programs. WPN’s will serve as a resource for colleagues and mayarrange for ongoing cross training across partner programs.Requirements * Bachelor’s degree plus at least two years of experience in training, social services, workforce services, * vocational rehabilitation, education, or related field. * Knowledge of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Rehabilitation Act, and Americans with Disabilities Act. * Excellent verbal and written communication skills. * Demonstrated experience with building and retaining partner and stakeholder relationships. * Experience in working with individuals and job seekers with disabilities strongly preferred. * Proficient in Microsoft * Self-starter who can work independentlyWorking ConditionsWPNs will perform tasks in a variety of locations, including one, or more, WorkOne centers and Vocational Rehabilitation offices in the assigned geographicareas. WPN’s will have a regular presence at each partner organization. Meetingsand activities will be conducted in-person with some remote work as applicable.
Source : American Technology Consulting