Housekeeper - Fountainview Center Lp
Atlanta, GA 30329
About the Job
1. Follow oral and written instructions.
2. Maintain material data safety sheets.
3. Orga...
Purpose of this position
The purpose of this position is to implement and maintain effective, efficient systems to operate the housekeeping department in a cost-effective, efficient manner to safely meet residents needs in compliance with federal, state and local requirements.
Qualifications (to be completed by the facility)
Minimum 5 years experience in Housekeeping/Environmental Services
Delegation of authority
Authority is delegated to the individual in this position to:
Implement housekeeping policies and procedures to meet residents needs in compliance with federal, state and local requirements
Determine the personnel requirements for the housekeeping policies and procedures
Implement a monitoring system for the housekeeping department and make recommendations for implementation to assure compliance with federal, state and local requirements
Supervise the entire operation of the housekeeping department
Order or requisition sufficient supplies to operate the housekeeping department