Help Desk - American Technology Consulting
Urbandale, IA
About the Job
Top Must Haves:1. Focus on break fix for hardware/software and ensuring customer satisfaction2. Working and collaborating in a team environment to solve problems and work onprojects3. Good communication and ability/desire to learnManager is open to recent gradsEducation Preferred: no but relevant experience isYears of Experience Required: 1 year min1st shift, 40 hours/week. Onsite positionJob Description/Day to Day responsibilitiesComputer Support AssociateProvides basic day-to-day operational support for a computing environment(computer center, unit computing, a community of users, et c.), followingestablished procedures, in order to contribute to the smooth running of thatenvironment. Support activities require some technical background while beingstrongly administrative in nature. Performs/monitors standard processes oroperations that are highly stable and/or relatively consistent in how to fix.TYPICAL EXAMPLES: --management of onsite desktop hardware, softwaretroubleshooting, printer hardware management, and smart hands support for theserver / network teams. Proves support for conference rooms, asset lifecyclemanagement, and computer deployments for unit customers.Performs/monitors standard processes or operations that are highly stable and/orrelatively consistent in how to fix. TYPICAL EXAMPLES: imaging computers,replacing printer toner, disposing of outdated assets, and resolving troubletickets from ServiceNow queues.• Documents recording and/or distributing information. Has some breadth, depthand/or frequency of interaction with external contacts. Typical examples includeupdating assets in Asset Center, following KB articles for problem resolution,and following unit specific processes.• Responsible for effective e-mail communications and ability to create andmaintain basic documents/records: TYPICAL EXAMPLES: --contact lists --processlogs --problem incidence reports --customer information updates – exterior shiporders --inventory, maintenance or other service records--handling standardfacilities administration requests• Responsible for recognizing problems with the processes/operations supported.Is responsible for resolving those problems with pre- established and documentedsolutions. Is responsible for reporting to others those problems that falloutside the scope of established procedures.• Maintains equipment, supplies, data supporting processes or operations.Typical examples includes scheduling routine equipment maintenance, orderingsupplies, monitoring inventory, updating data records, and interacting withsuppliers.• Applies some technical knowledge in the support of processes or operationsTYPICAL EXAMPLES: --understanding basic printer operations to replace toner andpickup rollers, performing trouble shooting by following KB article to resolveend user tickets.
Source : American Technology Consulting