Healthcare Admin Assistant - American Technology Consulting
Terre Haute, IN
About the Job
Purpose of Position/Summary:A Local Administrative Specialist works within the Indiana Department ofHealth’s Mobile Response Operations Mobile Teams. This position will serve in adesignated geographical area in the state of Indiana as their primary focallocation. This position will coordinate with team members and management toassist with public health coordinated outreach and conduct of vaccine andtesting locations. This position will be the primary individual on their teamthat works with all aspects regarding the registration of individuals indifferent designated websites to receive the appropriate testing or vaccinesrequired by all ages of individuals. This position will also assist in any setup and demobilization of resources while also working with team members to trackmultiple resources used by the team that can differ from day to day as well asby mission type.Essential Duties/Responsibilities:This position’s primary role is to be the subject matter expert on clientregistration for the opportunities being offered by the Mobile Response TeamsShow the ability to adapt to different community environments throughout thestate of Indiana.Assist in any crowd control and flow with individuals either on foot or in avehicle.Demonstrate the ability to handle tracking of extremely different resources usedby Mobile Response team.Maintain proficiency and receive routine or assigned in-person and digitaltraining in procedures for their position.Assist in set up, conduct and demobilization of all sites assigned toindividual.Job Requirements:Demonstrate the ability to use all technical registration/computer systems usedby team.Conduct self in a manner that demonstrates professional and state conductpolicies and procedures.Complete assigned tasks by Mobile Response Lead that can change from day to day.Handles all changes in policy and procedures as needed.Demonstration good interpersonal skills vital to working with differentcommunities.Ability to work with changing environments in different weather conditions, timeof day or days of the weekSupervisory Responsibilities/Direct Reports:No supervisory responsibilities of other individuals for this positionDifficulty of Work:Job can require daily travel to different locations.Work can be conducted at different times of day.Work schedule is very flexible to community needs.Demonstrate to willingness work weekends and weekdays, changing from week toweekAbility to lift items of at least 20 pounds from time to time.Job can be mentally straining, and individual must handle stress professionallyand if in need of assistance will inform management and contractor (CAI) of thisneed existing.Responsibility:Position will play a vital role in the successful and efficent conduct ofactivities related to the agency's mobile response operations program. Employeewill work with external and internal partners to ensure Mobile ResponseOperation (MRO) teams can can conduct roles and responsibilites effectively andin a timely manner. The employee will work independently and with supervision tomake wise decisions concerning program conduct. Employee will activelyparticipate in the development and maintenance of all MRO related activities.Personal Work Relationships:Employee reports directly to a Mobile Response Lead and conveys information asappropriate to all situations that can occur. Employee will be in contact withprogram staff within the team and section and serve as a vital member of theteam. Employee will be a intial contact for patients when on sites. Allrelationships will be in a professional manner and be handled in a manner thatfollows section, division, agency and state policies and procedures.Physical Effort:Physical strain can occur on the job. This will include lifting of objects 20pounds and standing for long periods of time. The job can also requireindividuals to travel in a Mobile Unit for longer periods of time.Working Conditions:Employees can work in all weather conditions indoor and outdoor that can occurthroughout the year in Indiana.Must be able to work a flexible schedule including weekends and times of theday.
Source : American Technology Consulting