Graphic Designer/Analyst, OCPA - Yorktown Systems Group
Washington, DC 20001
About the Job
Yorktown Systems Group is seeking a Graphic Designer/Analyst to provide OCPA Operations Support, Communication Research, Analysis and Evaluation, Communication Planning, Communication Product Development, Army Outreach Support, Professional Development and Training, Exhibit Management, and Executive Communication Support.
The Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA) is responsible for fulfilling the Army's obligation to keep the American people and the Army informed and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America's Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war. Army Public Affairs is comprised of Soldiers and Officers adept at planning and executing a commander’s communication strategy through corporate communication, media and stakeholder engagements, and community outreach activities directed toward external and internal publics with interest in the Department of Defense. The proactive release of accurate information puts U.S. Military operations in context, facilitates informed perceptions about Military operations, counters misinformation and disinformation, and helps achieve national, strategic, operational, and tactical objectives. PA exists to maintain the trust and confidence of the American public and deter adversaries at home and abroad.
Specific duties may include, but are not limited to:
- Provide support to OCPA Operations and Process contractors and shall establish common operating procedures. Organizational Processes.
- Advise and assist the OCPA’s divisions with primary and secondary research to inform communication approaches and planning across the full spectrum of media and community outreach activities. The research shall include audience analysis; qualitative and quantitative analysis; and recommendations based on findings.
- Shall effectively integrate the planning and coordination of designated public affairs and communication programs across multiple media and disciplines.
- Provide program level communication support and develop communication plans to include, but not limited to, analyzing the information environment, the description of current and upcoming phases of communication initiatives and identification and development of objectives and performance metrics for communication plans.
- Analyze and define needed communication to include, but not limited to, collection/review and evaluation/assessment of feedback; conduct research of potential outreach events to include the creation of an outreach plan, development and planning for outreach events, analysis of implementation and execution; evaluation; and determination of program/event effectiveness.
- Develop and produce a wide variety of customized communication media products to include social and digital media infographics, video, and animations in support of Army communication strategies and tactics.
- Manage the Public Affairs Portal.
- Provide planning and assessment support for the Army Outreach efforts that are designed to connect the American people to their Army through direct engagement by Army leaders, both in person and online through social media.
- Provide support for Army Public Affairs Professional Development Forums, which are conducted once annually for three (3) days. This event provides professional development for approximately 400 attendees to improve their home station capabilities and effectiveness, leading to an overall increased Public Affairs readiness for the Army.
- Provide support for Pentagon exhibits, including designing, producing, and maintaining of various two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) displays to promote Army messaging, Army pride and the Army’s story to diverse audiences.
- Provide slide visualization, animation, graphics, audio and video editing and production assistance to the OCPAs Executive Communication team in partnership with Army Multimedia and Visual Information Directorate to develop and/or update video audio and animation training aids that are interactive for distributed learning on the internet and other platforms at least once per year and no more than two (2) times per year to ensure video and visual & audible products are relevant, engaging and educational.
- Develop and submit a program progress report.
Job Requirements:
Required Qualifications:
- Must have a Bachelor’s degree.
- 5 years demonstrated strategic/tactical/media communication level experience within the last 10 years.
- Must be fluent in the English Language and have the ability to read, write, and comprehend the English language.
- Must possess demonstrated experience with the Microsoft Office Suite programs including Word, Power Point, and Excel.
Clearance: Must be able to pass a background check. Secret Security Clearance or higher is preferred.
Location: Washington, DC
Travel: Some travel may be required