Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Coordinator - American Technology Consulting
Indianapolis, IN
About the Job
Title: IN-DOH-FIMR Coordinator (716482)Location: 2 North Meridian Indianapolis 46204Interview: Phone and in-personThe purpose of this position is to support the Fatality Review and Prevention(FRP) Division to help decrease Indiana’s fetal and infant mortality rate andimprove health outcomes for Hoosier mothers, birthing persons, infants, andfamilies.Purpose of Position/Summary:The purpose of this position is to support the Fatality Review and Prevention(FRP) Division to help decrease Indiana’s fetal and infant mortality rate andimprove health outcomes for Hoosier mothers, birthing persons, infants, andfamilies. IDOH is required by statute (IC 16-49-6) to coordinate the fetalinfant mortality review (FIMR) program, and to provide training and technicalsupport to the local teams. Our goal is to go beyond meeting the mandatedrequirements. FIMR works in conjunction with other departments invested inpreventing trauma, injury and death among Indiana’s infants and poor outcomesfor pregnant women and their families.The FIMR Coordinator will provide oversight and technical assistance for alllocal FIMR teams, including data collection, training, reporting, and acting asa liaison between other state-level programs. This role with work under thesupervision of the Indiana Fetal-Infant Mortality Review Program Manager andassist with statewide FIMR program initiatives.Essential Duties/Responsibilities:Incumbent is responsible for building and maintaining relationships withinternal IDOH colleagues, other state agencies, and community organizations alsoworking with and serving women, birthing persons, and infants. The incumbentwill also be responsible for:• Creating, maintaining, and supporting a FIMR Network infrastructure for theState of Indiana• Acting as a contact point between the National Center for Fatality Review andPrevention and local Indiana partners• Assisting in the coordination of FIMR meetings, as well as development ofCommunity Action Teams, in partnership with other Division staff• Assisting with the administration of the data collection system used by thelocal FIMR teams• Assisting in writing annual FIMR reports and with the creation of messagingforpublic dissemination• Plan conference and training events for FIMR teams and community stakeholders• Assisting with the evaluation of best practices for FIMR in other states• Preparing grant applications and reports to expand the funding of the IDOHFatality Review and Prevention activities, and that of local teams to facilitatebuilding capacity and prevention activities• Coordination of program activities, analyze project needs, examine fetal andinfant death trends and issues, and assist in collaborative efforts/activitieswith internal and external partners/stakeholders.• Collecting and abstracting comprehensive data on infant and deaths from deathcertificates, coroner reports, law enforcement reports, medical records,toxicology reports• Work in cooperation with other Division programs, including MMR, Safe Sleep,CFR, and prevention program development to create materials and documents forprevention and outreach• Promote FIMR activities and findings to other IDOH and state agency divisions,including but not limited to Genomics and Newborn Screening, DMHA, Medicaid, andDCS• Establish and foster relationships between other IDOH Divisions and stateagencies, in order to create a network of health promotion experts and communityresources• Compose abstracts and proposals for program presentation at local, state, andnational events• Present FIMR programming at local, state, and national events• Work with the State FIMR Program Manager, local FIMR teams, communityagencies, and hospital systems statewide to advance bereavement support,follow-up care, and maternal mental health needs after a lossJob Requirements:Bachelor's Degree public health-related or similar field, such as healthpromotion, health communication, health education, social work, or public healthpreferred and two years of related experience. Lived experience may substitutefor professional experience.Additional requirements include:• Knowledge of medical terminology• Highly motivated and able to take initiative, creative thinking• Outstanding organizational skills• Ability to multitask and prioritize• Ability to work under pressure/tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment• Ability to work independently and as a team member• Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint• Ability to communicate extremely well verbally and in writing - preparewritten and oral reports and presentations that communicate necessaryinformation to internal and external partnersSupervisory Responsibilities/Direct Reports:This position in not responsible for supervising other team members, though mayin the future.Difficulty of Work:Work is broad in scope with many facets and variables which must be interpretedas to their significance in developing, coordinating, and analyzing injuryprevention data, reports, and recommendations. Considerable judgment is neededin the performance of duties within the guidelines of the FRP, MCH, FIMR, andInjury Prevention Guidelines.Work Relationships:Incumbent maintains contact with supervisor, FRP staff, IDOH executive staff,and other IDOH division staff for the purposes of discussing problems, answeringadminstrative or technical questions, disseminating current information onfatality review procedures and requirements, and obtaining or furnishing injurydata. Incumbent establishes relationships with stakeholders across the state andnation, as needed, to further injury prevention and fetal-infant infantmortality reduction in Indiana. Work is done within state and federal guidelinesand budget limitations. Work may be reviewed by various program staff forcompliance with policy and agency program goals.Physical Effort:Position is primarily a desk job with the possibility of light lifting up to 10pounds. Work is performed in an office environment or remote for 8.0 hours perday from Monday through Friday. Incumbent works seated most of the time and useshands and eyes extensively for computer work. Work will occasionally requirein-state travel, as training, FIMR team support, and conferenceplanning/attendance requires.
Source : American Technology Consulting