Elementary General Education Teacher- Leave Replacement (Jamaica) - Growing Up Green Charter School
Jamaica, NY 11432
About the Job
General Education Elementary Teacher - Leave Replacement (Jamaica)
Mission Statement: The Growing Up Green Charter School (GUGCS) supports children to be conscious, contributing members of their community through a rigorous, anti-racist, anti-bias, curriculum and engaging green culture. Graduates of GUGCS will be prepared to attend high-performing schools where their interdisciplinary academic foundation, knowledge of sustainability, and strong sense of self sets them apart as leaders and social justice advocates of the future.
School Culture:GUGCS teaches students our school culture through our core values: Social Justice, Collaboration, Courage, and Kindness. Students are taught the core values through assemblies, class meetings, and various lessons.
Classroom Teacher Responsibilities:
- Use the Responsive Classroom model for community-building and behavior management strategies such as Morning Meeting, Quiet Time & Closing Circle
- Differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners
- Adhere to subject-specific grade-wide pacing calendars
- Maintain organized records of anecdotal notes and assessments
- Use data collected on assessments to modify unit plans, inform groupings, and to support student referrals
- Participate in grade team and curricular planning meetings
- Create and maintain an engaging and organized physical classroom environment, making learning accessible to all students
- Establish and maintain ongoing positive relationships with families
- Actively participate in the school community through bi-weekly staff meetings, PD opportunities, staff committees, school events, etc.
- Work with an instructional coach on specific goals throughout the year
- Respond productively to ongoing, year-round professional feedback
- Work closely with the Special Education department (learning specialists, interventionists, service providers) to best support student learning
- Use weekly lesson plans to help drive instruction in a clear manner
- Demonstrate commitment to working with diverse populations of families and students, including those at risk
Curriculum and Instruction
- Implement GUGCS curricular programs as determined by our Curriculum Coaches in ELA, Math Explore & Discover time (social studies)
- Implement GUGCS curricular programs as well as units written in-house
- Collaborate with grade team and coordinators to write rich, integrated units of study
- Adhere to grade-level pacing calendars
- Participate in grade-level team and curricular planning meetings
- Use daily or weekly lesson plans to help drive instruction
- Differentiate instruction in meaningful ways to support student learning
- Work closely with the Special Education department (learning specialists, interventionists, service providers)
- Collaborate with the Special Education and Counseling department to help meet the needs of all students
- Understand and implement interventions recommended for students as outlined by an IEP, support services, or the counseling department
- Maintain organized records of anecdotal notes and assessments
- Administer formal and informal assessments throughout the school year (examples: Fountas & Pinnell running records, conferencing, end-of-unit rubrics, student portfolios, etc.)
- Use assessment data to modify unit plans, inform groupings, and support student referrals
- Use assessment data to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners
- Share data systems with classroom teachers as necessary
Parent and Community Engagement
- Establish and maintain ongoing positive relationships with families
- As necessary communicate social, emotional, and academic success and concerns with families
- Encourage our “open door” classroom design, inviting families to regularly be a part of classroom activities
Related Professional Responsibilities
- Actively help establish and participate in the school community through weekly staff meetings, PD opportunities, staff committees, school events, etc.
- Fulfill duties, responsibilities, and commitments as outlined in the GUGCS faculty handbook
- Work with an instructional coach on specific goals throughout the year
- Respond productively to ongoing, year-round professional feedback
- Assume any other duties from time to time as delegated by the Executive Director and/or the School Leader (note: The Executive Director and/or the School Leader may make any adjustment in the scope of responsibilities as outlined above which will be in the interest of Growing Up Green)
Minimum Qualifications:
- Strong commitment to Growing Up Green Charter School's Mission & Vision
- Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with a team of teachers and administrators
- Knowledge of Responsive Classroom and/or Developmental Designs
- Experience in environmental education a plus
- Ability in integrating technology into teaching
- Excellent organizational skills
- Starting salary is $62,902. Salaries are determined using an equitable compensation scale that accounts for years of experience as lead teacher in a K-12 setting and levels of attained education
- Bachelor’s Degree required. Master's Degree preferred
- Minimum of two years of classroom teaching experience in elementary school grades
Required Certificates & Licenses:
- NY Teaching Certification, NYC DOE/Fingerprinting & Background Clearance