Electrical Engineer - Power Supply Design - Envisioneering, Inc.
Washington, DC 20375
About the Job
Envisioneering, Inc. is seeking an electrical engineer in support of servicesprovidedto the Department of the Navy and to the U.S. NavalResearchLaboratory(NRL).
- Work on a team performing research and development to address Navy electronic warfare requirements.
- Research electroniccomponentsspecifications and availability.
- Work with PCBs fornew RF prototypesystems.
- Perform performancemeasurements on electronic components and circuits using multi-meters, oscilloscopes,spectrum analyzers, and signal generators.
- Follow measurement/test procedures, write downcommentsduring testing, collectdata,and analyze the data.
- Participate in occasionaloutdoortesting of prototypehardware at local test sites and at test ranges in other partsof the country as required.
- 5+ years of electrical engineering experience is desiredbut may be waived by other engineering and projectexperience.
- Active DoD SecretClearance within 24 months priortodate of hire.
- Experience working with Power Electronics, Resonate Sine Wave Converter, High Voltage DC to DC Converter, High Voltage Transformer, High Frequency Switching DC to DC Converter, Phase Shifted Full Bridge Inverter.
- Familiarity working with the following tools, simulations, and concepts: Power Factor Correction, Corona Measurement, PSpice Circuit Simulation, Maxwell Finite Element Simulation, Altium Printed Circuit Board Design."
- Fundamentalskillsusing MS Project and PowerPoint are desired. Matlab experience is a plus.
- Grade point average: 3.0 minimum (3.3 desired).
- Good communicationskills and the ability to work well within a team.
- Motivated toperformhands-oncomponent/circuit measurements and testing in an RF laboratory.
- Proficiency with administrative tools such as MS Office Word, Excel, and Outlook.
- Occasionallylift/carry test articles or devices up to 35 lbs. Sitting at test benches or standingduring laboratory testing.
- Bachelorof Science (BS) degree or higher in ElectricalEngineeringfrom an accrediteduniversity.
SALARY:$100,000.00 - $130,000.00
BENEFITS:Envisioneering,Inc.offers a stable work environment, a competitive salary, and a comprehensive benefitspackageincluding 401k, Medical/Dental/Vision,FSA,ShortTerm,LongTerm, AD&D and Lifeinsurance,(employerpaid), voluntary life, TuitionReimbursement, Paid Leave, Holidays and much more.
AS A CONDITIONOF EMPLOYMENT:Youmustpass a drug and pre-employmentscreening.U.S.Citizenship Required. *ADepartment of Defense(DoD)Secretsecurity clearance is requiredat time of hire.Applicantsselected will besubject to a U.S.Governmentsecurityinvestigation and must meet eligibilityrequirementsforaccesstoclassifiedinformation.Duetothenature of workperformedwithinourfacilities,U.S. citizenship isrequired. Please confirm in your cover letteror resume.