Bus Driver, Fort Bliss, TX - Technica LLC
El Paso, TX
About the Job
Technica LLC seekstorecruitfor thepositionof BusDriver onaGovernment contract witha place of performanceat El PasoTX.
- Drivers' busesfor transportationof passengersper scheduledmissionrequirementtolocalor distantpoints as directedas per submittedrequest(s)
- AssistspassengersandMilitaryunitsasrequired.
- Regulatesheating,lighting,and ventilatingsystemsfor passengercomfort. Complieswith local,state and federal traffic regulations.
- Conductsbusrepairs,andchangestiresifdeemednecessary.
- Inspectsbusunit perDOTregulations,responsibilitiesincludeconfirmingfuel,oil,andwater levels before departing for a scheduled mission.
- Loads/Unloadscheckedpassengerbaggageintobuscargostorage compartment ifrequired. May berequired todrive a variety of transportationequipmentinorder to complete mission requirements(toinclude diesel or electric powered transit buses).
- DriversshallabidebyrulesandregulationtotheTransportationMotorPool.
- Mustreportschedule delays, vehiclesdamage,oraccidents tothe TMPmanagement immediately upon occurrence.
- TheTransportationMotorPoolattimesisa24/7operation.
- Highschooldiplomaorequivalent 21 Years of age
- 3yearsrecordedDrivingExperience
- MusthaveandmaintainaCDLClassAlicense orClass Blicensewith passengerendorsement and Medical Clearance Card for entire time of employment
- Must be extremely customer focused
- Familiarity withthe GreaterFortBlissMilitary Installation (toincludeEast FortBliss, McGregor Range, Dona Ana Base Camp, OroGrande, Tobin Wells, and White Sands Missile Range)
- Abletostand, sit, andoperate inashop environment forextendedperiodsof time. Able to stoop, kneel, bend atthe waist and reach onadaily basis
- Abletoliftupto50pounds occasionally
- Noise level: Low to high
- MilitaryOccupationalSpecialty(MOS),88Hand/or88M
- Validstateissueddrivers'license
- Class BCommercialDriver'sLicensewithPassenger
**Veterans, Military Spouses, Women, Minorities and Individuals with Disabilities are encouraged to apply.**
- Mustpassadrugscreening
- MustpassaNational Agency BackgroundCheck
Source : Technica LLC