Audit Senior - Regal Executive Search
Novato, CA 94949
About the Job
Audit Senior
As a Senior Accountant, you will be charged with planning and supervising engagements, and working to develop quality client relationships. When assigned to financial statement engagements, you will have a working knowledge of GAAP, OCBOA, unique or specialized accounting principles, and financial statement presentation and disclosure.
You will be able to prepare compiled and reviewed financial statements with minimum supervision, and you will have a thorough understanding of generally accepted auditing standards and common audit procedures and techniques. Additionally, you will progress to assume responsibility for efficiently supervising all forms of financial statement engagements, and will be expected to take ownership of these engagements all the way through to the issuance of financial statements to the client.
When assigned to tax engagements, you will become familiar with pertinent Internal Revenue Code sections and regulations, research techniques, and the various research sources available.
You will also begin to manage client relationships with supervision, be able to schedule and perform duties with minimum supervision, complete multiple assignments in a timely manner, and develop analytical skills to assist clients in problem resolution.
You will be highly proficient in the use of firm standard software such as Lacerte, Excel, CaseWare, BNA, and Web based resources.
You will progress to assume responsibility for efficiently supervising all types of tax return preparation engagements and will be expected to take ownership of these engagements all the way through to the delivery of the tax return to the client.
We are truly a different type of CPA firm. We are committed to maintaining a relaxed and enjoyable working atmosphere, and we offer competitive salaries, flexible hours, and full benefits, including a generous “new client bonus” program for employees who provide client leads and referrals.
Excel in your career with a great group of accountants who take a team approach and value their clients as respected business partners and friends. We look forward to hearing from you.
Source : Regal Executive Search