Accounting Clerk III (Fiscal Technician) - MEDC: Tribal One
Portland, OR
About the Job
Tribal One Professional Services is seeking an experienced Accounting Clerk III (Fiscal Technician)
to provide fiscal technician support services for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS) Oregon State Office.
The NRCS Oregon State Office has numerous planned and existing financial obligations arising from
contracts, grants, and agreements and the Accounting Clerk III (Fiscal Technician) will support the
establishing, memorializing, administering, tracking, reporting, and closing out those obligations.
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
• Assist Financial Resources Specialist (FRS) in establishing financial obligations related to
contracts and agreements.
• Assist FRS and Acquisitions Management Analyst (AMA) in establishing and maintaining electronic
and hard copy financial files related to contracts and agreements.
• Assist agreement recipients in preparing advance and reimbursement payment requests and
supporting documentation.
• Assist agreement recipients in completing and timely submitting financial and performance
progress reports.
• Review advance and reimbursement payment requests from agreement recipients for accuracy,
completeness, and conformance with financial and programmatic requirements.
• Assist FRS and AMA in gathering and reporting of quarterly payment accrual information.
• Assist FRS and AMA in quarterly review of open obligations by verifying performance periods for
agreements and contracts and associated financial data.
• Assist FRS and AMA in timely closing out expired, terminated, and cancelled contracts and
agreements in accordance with financial and programmatic requirements.
Minimum Qualifications:
• Accounting/financial analyst experience, or related field experience, with the USDA or other
government agency is highly desirable.
• Proficiency with computer automated software and web-based software usage
• Knowledge of maintaining journals or subsidiary ledgers of accounting system
• Proof of a proper state issued motor vehicle license or equivalent
• Ability to support customer's needs which both reside on and offsite from the duty
• Appropriate demeanor and ability to communicate over the phone and utilizing other forms of
electronic communication, including but not limited to, instant messaging, email, video-
teleconferencing software.
• Must be able to pass a National Agency Check (NACI) or Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
National Security (NS) community background investigation